

He who thanks but with the lips
Thanks but in part;
The full, the true Thanksgiving
Comes from the heart.
~J.A. Shedd

Have a wonderful celebration with your family.


VALLEJO MEET • 11.13-14.2009

Photographs taken by Peter Tran (Taylor & Tyler's dad)


Beyond Swimming...

A couple of your fellow swim families were featured in today's CBS-5 local news recognizing founder of Inneract Project, a FREE Graphic Design for Middle School students. It's a 6-week workshop (Saturdays) held simultaneously at Academy of Arts in San Francisco and Ex'pression College in Berkeley. 

If you have an aspiring middle school artist, or know of someone, check out www.inneractproject.org.

Here's the link to the news: CBS-5 news - Jefferson Awards

[If you have any stories to share, please email them to tomatokiwi@sbcglobal.net so we can post them in our blog.]