
Happy Thanksgiving 2010

The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts.  No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving.  ~H.U. Westermayer
So much to be thankful for.  Hope you had a fabulous celebration and found the time to count all your blessings!



Nicole Chin, 11-11-97
Taliya Behar-Senel, 11-13-97
Ethan Cheung, 11-13-97
Victoria Wong, 11-21-00
Ryan Szeto, 11-21-97
Daria Doubnova, 11-24-97
Isaac Lau, 11-25-99
Amanda Yee, 11-26-98


Wow, this year is just going way too fast!

I trust you all had a great October especially with all the excitement surrounding the torturous Giants post-season games.  They did it!  They actually did it.  After decades and decades of heartbreak, the Giants won the World Series Title!!!  Did any of you attend the WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP parade? Did you skip work? School? Wasn't it crazy? I went with David who's the avid fan around here.
As soon as they won the series last Monday, he went to City Hall with Diego immediately after swimming, to celebrate with other faithful fans.  He said it was a sight to behold.  He also declared he's pulling out our kids from school to celebrate the long-awaited win.  But wouldn't you know it, as fond as my kids are of their Dad's Giants, they unanimously declined the invitation.
"We have our priorities."  They did not want to miss school.  David was sad but not for long!
So, it was just me and David off to the parade.  Well, I didn't see much of the parade nor the players.  The place was packed, the temperature was rising, I couldn't hear nor see a thing.  What I did see were dads, moms, grandparents, babies, newborns!  I didn't see anything that tarnished the event.  It was a pretty wholesome family friendly event.
Lots of Giants gears.  Even at Halloween, we dressed up as Giants (except for the kids).  What about you?  Did you wear something spooky, funny or just plain you?

I leave you with what Pablo Sandoval said, and you can apply this in your everyday life.  As a matter of fact, you can apply this in your swimming.  Have a fabulous November!  Lots to be thankful for.

"It's part of the game. One day you do good. One day you do bad. You have to keep the focus." ~Pablo Sandoval

Mrs. Fear the Beard with Mr. Bobblehead