


“Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” 
~James Beard

Finally posting our potluck party from last August.  It has been a whirlwind of a summer for most of us, and it was gratifying to end it with a celebration.  Thank you, everyone, for bringing delicious food.

"Success is never final, failure is never fatal. 
It's courage that counts." ~John Wooden
Congratulations on your accomplishments.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” ~Henry Ford
"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart." 
-Celia Thaxter

Check out my Picasa Album for more photos from that day.

Have a great school year.



“Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.” 
~T. Alan Armstrong
One of my kids overheard in the locker room, "Rossi won again?!"
Yes, Rossi won again!
But not without the hardwork, perseverance and participation of each swimmer.  
Not without the support of the parents.  
Not without sacrificing time away from certain activities each swimmer would rather do, like sleeping in, going out with other friends, etc.  
Not without our coaches' persistent directions from the early morning practices to the long afternoon ones.  
Not without...
Giving up...
Percy Jackson was in the house!

That's not to say they can't enjoy other activities.  Oh yes, they do.  And they excel in them, as well.  One of these days, I'll dedicate a post of other activities our swimmers enjoy.  You'll be amazed how many of them are multi-talented.
Proud parents & families

With that said, THANK YOU...
...Rossi swimmers, for your dedication to the team and for the sport.
...coaches (Mike, Andreas, Billy & Tim), for being there day in and day out.
...team manager, Cynthia, and summer head coaches, Andreas & Billy, for your leadership.
...parents, for supporting, driving, and encouraging your children.  You are the backbone of this institution, and
...Mr. Ed, Ms. Tina, Ms. Lynne, for overseeing & managing our team's needs.
Our Coaches with Seniors (l-r): Billy, Anthony, Tim, Cynthia, Mike, Andreas

Many, many thanks to Peter Tran (Taylor, Tyler & Sophia's dad), who took awesome photos & put it together in a cool slide show via YouTube.  Check it out and share with your friends.  Maybe they'll want to join our team.

p.s. We missed some of you at the Championship.  See you soon!

- Summer's End POTLUCK-PARTY, Saturday, Aug 7th (sign up sheet at the pool)
- Mandatory MORGAN HILL meet on Sept 4th & 5th (register ASAP at PacSwim)

See you all at the pool!

Practice is everything. This is often misquoted as "Practice makes perfect.” ~Periander



The English winter, ending in July
To recommence in August." ~Lord Byron
(Sounds like San Francisco to me...)

Andrew Le - 8/6/96
Nathan Ly - 8/25/98
Jordan Vu - 8/29/98