
Petaluma Long Course Meet, Part 1 | July 6-8, 2012

I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. ~Thomas Jefferson

I'm sure you had a lot of "luck" this past weekend. Of course, that all depended on how hard you worked weeks prior to it. Do check out these photos taken by Mr. Chen (Christopher's dad). Click HERE to get to the link. Hope everyone's enjoying their summer break. It's halfway through already!

And MORE PHOTOS HERE from Mr. Wong (Elizabeth, Victoria, Margaret & Benjamin's dad).  Check them all out!

 (Thanks, William & Gary. We appreciate all photos taken and submitted for our team to enjoy.) 



People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy. ~Anton Chekhov (esp. in San Francisco)

Happy Birthday, July babes!
Bonnie Yuen, 7/21
Diego Leong, 7/24
Stanley Tang, 7/26

Here's to a Happy 4th of July. Stay safe & have fun!
"Growing up Red, White & Blue"