
Morgan Hill Meet • Sept. 3-4, 2011 • Part 1

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” ~Satoro

Wow! What a weekend! Great job, Manta Rays! Considering we have been deprived of training in our own pool, more driving than swimming for some of us and with several new swimmers, our team did a swell job. The RAYS came in THIRD place.  Keep working hard!

Many thanks to our COACHES (Mike, Billy, Tim & Anthony) for yet another great meet, along with our team OFFICERS (Mr. Ed Woo, Mrs. Tina Vu, Mrs. Lynn Holden) and ALL our dedicated PARENTS for bringing your swimmers to the rigorous practices and to this important meet.

Also, thanks to Mr. Tran (Peter), Mr. Vu (Jeremy), Jenny Szeto & Mrs. Rebitz (Pam) for submitting great photos.

Click on these links to see their photos:
Slideshow by Mr. Peter Tran
Photos by Jenny Szeto & Mr. Jeremy Vu
Photos by Mrs. Pam Rebitz

Meanwhile, here are some images from the "ocean" of swimmers. Enjoy!

The Coaches' Tent - more like the "Hang Out Den"
Towels everywhere!
Everyone wears the same garb, it's quite difficult to identify who's who. You know you who are, right? 
Watching the 8 & under swimmers is always fun to watch. Still so cute. But not too cute if DQ'd!
What an innovative simple idea to hang wet suits!
Cheering for each other--always a FAVE of mine to watch at any sporting event
10 & under--you get a little bit more serious with your swimming and, hopefully, faster.
I framed & timed this photo perfectly and then one of those officials just walked right in front of me! Ughhh!
Ahhh...the life. I'd take his place any time!
Trying to stay focus with these curious young swimmers...
11-12 girls
Keeping up with the swimmers' events, heats & lanes, while holding on to their suckers and paraphernalia is a job in itself. Tell me I'm not the only one.
A yummy delicacy. It was actually good. Different. Very tasty. Even pretty. Note: It's not "balut" =.) (Thanks, Bin.)
Older swimmers encouraging young nervous swimmers for the relay races -- definitely another "LIKE"
Mr. Woo--who lost his voice way before this group shot--IS always on top of everything.
Our equally hardworking, dedicated PARENTS! What will our team do without them!?
Mr. Tran! Thanks for taking awesome shots of the team.
Parents got a group shot, too.
...except one parent who busily scooped ice cream for everyone for his birthday girl =.) Sorry if there wasn't enough for the adults. Perhaps next time.
More group shots?! They just can't seem to get enough of each other. Our team is always the last one to leave the pool facility. Every single year.
 Here's to posterity. And beyond!
Birthday girl with some of her little friends.
I hope to post MORE photos LATER this week, especially ones with your relay teams and families.  
In the meantime, the new teenager had a fabulous meet on her 13th birthday, and sending big THANK YOU hugs to all the FUNtastic & beautiful people at Rossi.
Have an awesome rockin' week!

Here's something to ponder on during your practice this week:
“ENJOY swimming for swimming's sake. We have to spend far too much TIME in the water to not enjoy the process challenging yourself of moving through the water.” ~Jeff Rouse


  1. Leong Family:

    I have seen the blog and at the end I discovered in myself a satisfaction smile in my face that reveals the enjoyable moment that your work produce in me: the music --splish, splash-- in coherence with the images, the excelent selection of spaces captured and comments, the feel of belonging and the creations of spaces where our sons and daughters can deploy its best habits. All that reflect our daily life activities, it makes me feel that we, the parents, are doing our job.

    !!!!! Long life to responsible families that have found ways to enjoy the life !!!!

    Nena, Paco and Francisco

  2. Thank you for such an encouraging comment meant for ALL Rossi families. It's great to have your family amongst us. Have a blessed week.


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